21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control

▲1. 你有用腳拿起東西過因為彎腰太麻煩了

NBC / Via rebloggy.com 

2. 你有傳簡訊給坐在你身邊的朋友過

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
TLC / Via giphy.com 

3. 你有用刀子或用手吃優酪乳因為湯匙都沒洗

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
VH1 / Via giphy.com 

4. 你買新的內褲因為不想洗衣服

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
NBC / Via fanpop.com 

5. 你放棄打完一個句子因為你懶得再繼續想下去

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
The CW / Via virtualteen.org 

6. 你把所有東西塞床下就是整理好房間了

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
圖說: 我會清我房間換你不死的靈魂
Paramount Pictures / Via lifeofanarchizombie.tumblr.com 

7. 你有尿在瓶子裡因為不想走去廁所

You've peed in water bottles instead of getting up to go to the bathroom.
NBC / Via Netflix 

8. 你有下載過書在你的電腦上因為你懶得找家裡的那本在哪裡

You've downloaded something on your Kindle instead of searching through your house for the actual hard copy.
Thinkstock / lofilolo 

9. 你有在客廳裡刮過腿毛所以你可以邊看電視

You've shaved your legs in the living room so you could watch TV.
Fox / Via Netflix 

10. 你有吃過掉在衣服上的食物而不是把它清掉

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
NBC / Via giphy.com 

11. 你教了你的狗如何拿遙控器給你

You've taught your dog how to fetch the remote control.
Thinkstock / suemack 

12. 你倒過牛奶到麥片的紙盒裡因為你沒有乾淨的碗了

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
Fox / Via reactiongifs.us 

13. 你用過燙髮器燙過衣服

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control

14. 你等過一個人回家好幾個小時所以他可以做早餐給你吃

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
Nickelodeon / Via giphy.com 

15. 你在地上寫過功課因為桌子太亂了

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
Toho / Via mashable.com 

16. 你吃過罐頭裡的冷食物因為你懶得把它弄熱

You've eaten cold food out of the can instead of cooking it.
Thinkstock / HandmadePictures 

17. 你請過人到你家幫你組裝Ikea的家具然後很快的再請他們走

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control

18. 你房間有一台小冰箱所以你不用走到客廳去用大台的

You've had a mini fridge in your room so you didn't have to get up and walk to the kitchen.
圖說: 我無法忍受這長距離戀愛了! 冰箱! 你要到我房間去
MBS / Via funnyjunk.com 

19. 你等過一部電影45分鐘在你的電腦上下載因為你不想在電視上訂閱

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
CBS / Via reactiongifs.com 


You've still not fully unpacked after moving out of college.
Thinkstock / monkeybusinessimages 

21. 你從在你家一樓的餐廳叫過外送到你家

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
Paramount Pictures / Via giphy.com1

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